sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2014

Third Period: Second class

Hello classmates!

This class I taught my class about passive voice with modals. I prepared the warm up related with past participles verbs, so I brought a board game; It contained different questions. The structure used in the game was the present perfect.

Thereafter, I gave the presentation of the topic. Students read a story about smart animals. To develop this activity I did a jiwsaw reading. I split the class forming four homegroups, and then I asked them to move to their color groups. They read and took notes about the reading, then they came back to their home groups to explain the part of the reading they got. 

After that, I gave them some questions related with the reading, then they shared their opinions with the whole class. Furthermore, I prepared a chart explaning the grammar notes. I tried to explain step by step. 
Actually the topic was kind of easy for them, but they had difficulties transforming questions. They could do it in active voice, but forming the passive voice was the problem. 
I didn´t have enough time to make the practice, so I asked students to create their own examples to share them with the class.  

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